Did you find us from the FNAF Movie? Scan the QR Code or click the Discord Link Below!

Take a map

Confused on some of the channel names? Here take a map! Click below for the rules and a more extensive set up of the Server

We have had many people who want to join the 18+ Section of the server ask what is able to be used to join. For a template please click the verify button

How it all started

With the resurgence of FNAF after the new Security Breach game many people on tik tok started creating content. People making either art, AUs, stories and some people even making crafts for themselves and others….With this new found members to the community many older fans, those who disliked FNAF or think its immature for adults to like a FNAF game began to mass report these content creators.To help with this I thought it would be a good idea to start a community on Discord where others could connect and talk as well as help those who had been banned.
Now a little over a year later we have over 700 members! A place for artists, writers, cosplayers, crafters and role players. Coming into the new year we want to do more to expand the community that has been made.
Our goal is to have fun, have games and prizes, help promote artists and writers and crafters.
We have a large variety of channels for everyone, both for minors and adults. The adult sections are closed off via a verification setting. What we have in the server is-

  • A general chat and adult chat

  • A section for artists & writers

  • Places to talk about Lore

  • Commission artists & writers

  • Buy from crafters

  • ID verified space for adults to be adults

  • A FUN FUN FUN place to make friends!

Meet the mods

Owner Name: Lunar
Time Zone: Virginia USA, EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Favourite FNAF Character: Bonnie, Freddy, Sun & Moon
Favourite Colour: red black and blue
Favorite Videogame: FNAF any in the series and any knock offs. I like watching game plays and theories on them. Mostly by MatPat or Markiplier.
Anything Interesting about yourself: Besides the server I have a Tik Tok account about Mexican Witchcraft where I have 26.5k followers. I do tarot readings and sell witchy stuff. I speak English and Spanish.
Head Mod Name:Okami
Time Zone BST (British Summer Time)
Fave FNAF Character: Sun/Moon
Favourite Colour: Blue
Fave Game: Borderlands, Okami and Kingdom Hearts
Interesting Fact: I can draw better with a mouse then a stylus I am also a server wife and mother.

Games on the server

On the server we have currently 3 major games. Two in the Adult section and one in general.
The game where you can win prizes is in the West Arcade.These prizes are all being funded by the moderators. Ranging from special titles to even Exclusive Server stickers! Down below is a list of the prizes and eventually the goals needed for those items.
The West Arcade game is reset monthly.


  • Server Sticker pack

  • Special titles

  • Custom Icons

  • Private Voice Chats

  • One on One with Sun and Moon

  • Custom One Shots (1k words or less)

  • Top Spot in Artist Alley

  • Custom OC messages added to the game

  • Free Tarot Reading


When wanting access to the Adult section of the server you will need to open a ticket with the mods to verify age.
To do this you will go to ticket support system and type out !ticket
This will prompt our ticket bot to open a temporary channel that only the mods will be able to see as well yourself. Posted below is an example of how we need the ID to be shown.Once verified we will add the “Adult” Role to your account. After the role is added you will have access to the rest of the server and the ticket will be closed, unless you have any questions.


We have had many who will send an uncensored version that shows all of their information. While we appreciate the trust, this is very dangerous to do. No server should ask you for your full ID. You may cover the information, block it out as the example has been done with, or can show the portion with your DOB only.


Please understand when joining the adult sections of the server that you are entering an adult space. Some things you will see on the adult channels are not for everyone. So no judging anyone, as long as we keep it SSC (Safe, Sane,Consensual)

Mod Services

Owner: Lunar_Insomaniac #4150

Soup Fic Dealer: if there is a fan fic you like it’s missing I got you! Fics can range from 1,000-5,000 words.Tarot Reading: unlrelated to FNAF I have been practicing witchcraft for I ever a decade and do readings.

Head Mod: Okami #9838

Commission Sheet Organizer:
Fic Dealer:

Mod: SupaCuteOtaku:#9774


We are currently working on reconstructing the setup for artists, writers and crafters to be able to advertise their items to fellow FNAF fans. People will be able to post their commission sheets and such in here

Paid Slot #1 Discord/Twitter Username

Will Do:
Won’t Do:

Paid Slot #2 Discord/Twitter Username

Will Do:
Won’t Do:

Paid Slot #3 Discord/Twitter Username

Will Do:
Won’t Do:

Paid Slot #4 Discord/Twitter Username

Will Do:
Won’t Do:

Paid Slot #5 Discord/Twitter Username

Will Do:
Won’t Do:

Agileo101 Discord: Summerleo #1003

Crinnsane Discord: Crinnsane #8580

Will Do: Original Characters, Fan Art, LGBTQ+, Mild Gore, Character Designing
Won’t Do: Heavy Gore,Hate Art, Proship art, Detailed mecha, detailed human portraits
Info: All Payments in Euros, PayPal Only

Lunar Discord: Lunar_Insomniac #4150 Twitter: Lunar _voices
🔞Ask for NSFW Art🔞

Will Do: Fluff, Romance, AU’s, Y/N x Character, Furries,ABO, Plotonic Ships, Kinks
Won’t Do: R@pe, Abuse,P*d*philia, Raceplay, Anti LGBTQ+.Scat, B**st*lity, Snuff, Proshipping
Info: expect writings to take 1-2 weeks depending how busy I am with work. Available to talk 2pm-7pm EST Sun-Thursday weekends are more flexible

Okami Discord: Okami #9838 Twitter: @ Motherokami

Info: please dm for details and I have both paypal and cashapp. If there is something that isn't on the sheet that you might be interested in please do not hesitate to ask.

Pikausul Discord: Pikausul #7900 Twitter: @Pikausul
🔞Ask for NSFW Art🔞

Will Do: Original Characters, Furry, Ships, Fandoms, Self Inserts, LGBTQ+. Light Gore
Won’t Do: Complex backgrounds, Hate Art, Proship Art, Overly Detailed Mechs, Overly detailed clothing without a reference
Info: Payments are USD only, Full price is due after sketch approval,3 minor changes included in price,refunds only allowed before flat color stage Please note I have a full time job comms may take a little bit to complete

Supa Discord: SupaCuteOtaku #9974 Twitter: @SupaCuteSimp
🔞Ask for NSFW Art 🔞

Will Do: Original Characters, Canon Characters, Humans, Animatronics
Won’t Do: Furries, Backgrounds, Incest, Pedophilia, Bestiality
Info: Comms can take up to two weeks or longer. Work 8AM-5PM and have children DM for further questions.

Let’s try to keep introductions to just that! To help not clog up the chats.
1. Name
2. Age (if you are a minor or adult and don’t feel comfortable adding your age just put you are a minor or adult)
3. Pronouns
4. A little blurb about yourself.

We ask you to fill out the intro to help us and others know how to interact with you. Age and pronouns are very important for that.


Take a Map.. Take a Map

While trying to get the names to be creative and some being inside jokes, we want to make sure everything is easy to find once you know how the server works.Below is an easy way through the server. Each Category and Channel explained.

This server is split into two parts. One is for the adults that needs to be ID verified to join. The rest is mostly for minors and adults who do not want to see adult subjects. Please understand the channels available when you join must stay PG-13. For those who don’t know, the majority of the activity is in the adults sections. We try to keep this as a safe place for everyone.


  • Server Rules Please make sure this is the first place you go to when you join the server

  • General Announcements- Here we post any important information going on currently in the server.

  • Reaction Roles- Here you can click on the options on your pronouns, Color for your Username, open or closed DMs and if you are a content creator what you do. As well as if you do commissions.

Customer Service

  • Our Ticket Support System is a bot our Head Mod put in place for multiple things.You can use it to open up a ticket to bring up an issue to the mods, verify your age to join the adult section of the server, or to bring up suggestions to the mods. This way any of the mods online can help you instead of DMing one of the mods who may or may not be online.

Adult Section

  • Adult Announcements- This is for the Announcements that are strictly for the adults.

  • Adult General Chat- The talks can range from day to day most times to talking about kinks and other NSFW subjects.

  • Home Brew- This is where people can post their NSFW Art and W.I.P.s, and Twitter Links

  • Adult Miscellanous To not clog up the channels you can post links, your social media, Links from Tik Tok or YouTube. Anything that doesn’t fit anywhere else.

  • Hall of quotes- Anything thats said or typed out funny gets posted there with no context. The more sus the better.

Non-Adult Section

  • General Chat- This is where everyone can talk with members. We please ask people to keep conversations here PG.

  • Miscellaneous Chat- Here you can post links, your social media, Links from Tik Tok or YouTube. Anything that doesn’t fit anywhere else.

  • Art Drop Off- If you have kid friendly art, W.I.P.s or stories you are working on, send them here. Cosplay progression or Pictures of cosplay can be added here as well.

  • FNAF Farmers We have a few people on here who are into agriculture and have a space to talk about it without disturbing others.

  • Plural Kit Info Sources on the bot and how to use it

  • DID Chat A place systems can talk comfortably to others who have DID.

Thanks for joining The FNAF Hub!
Please read the rules below as well as some important information about the server to make your experience easier and more fun!


Thanks for joining The FNAF Hub!
Please read the rules below as well as some important information about the server to make your experience easier and more fun!

This server is split into two parts. One is for the adults that needs to be ID verified to join. The rest is mostly for minors and adults who do not want to see adult subjects. Please understand the channels available when you join must stay PG-13. For those who don’t know, the majority of the activity is in the adults sections. We try to keep this as a safe place for everyone.


  • Main Rules (2023 Revised)

  • --------------

  • ➥ Do not feed the trolls! Please create a ticket using our ticket system. All you need to do is !ticket to open a ticket for us to see.

  • ➥ No Spamming Caps or Letters

  • ➥Make sure to keep it civil. Please do not argue. If you have a problem with a member please start a ticket for the staff team to see it.

  • ➥No DMing people without permission.

  • ➥This is a safe place for all communities, if any topics makes anyone uncomfortable please contact a member of staff. Again while we are MAINLY a FNAF server we do not force out talks of other fandoms, shows, games, themes and such. What we do enforce is inclusivity. If it hasn’t been obvious many of us are on the neurodivergent spectrum. Many with ADHD, ADD,DID, depression, all sorts of anxiety.

  • ➥If you want access to the 18+ section please provide your ID (block out all information besides your DOB)

  • ➥Due to past issues we will no longer allow links to other servers or talk of over servers. The only two we are associated with are Wifey Server and Learning Some Lessons

  • ➥ While there are multiple relationships on this server if it can stay in DM, stay in DMs. Only time it’s alright is when we do the group roleplays. Some feel strange with certain PDAs.

  • ➥ We have people who use PluralKit to talk. Do not disrespect them. You will get ONE warning, if you persist you will be banned. If you are a System please make a ticket for the role.

  • Secondary Rules

  • ------------------------

  • ・miscellaneouschat - for any images, videos, links you want to post, Do not post these in ・generalchat it makes it easier for us to manage the server. Gifs can be used IF they are related to the conversation. Please do not spam gifs though.

  • ・artdropoff - for artwork or WIPS of artwork, as well as cosplay and craft making.

  • Remember we (owner and mods) are human, are adults, and are busy people. We try our best to be fair but our patience is thin